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Wake Up Energised with This Delicious Morning Drink!

I saw an ad for a product called “EarlyBird Morning Cocktail” and all the claims it made about helping people become an “early bird”. Unconvinced, I still purchased it out of desperation it might actually hold true to the claims. I decided to go all out on a 45-day wake-up challenge (more on that below).

In short, I drank EarlyBird every morning, as soon as my alarm went off, for 45 days straight and didn’t fail at getting up on time a single day. EarlyBird Morning Cocktail does work, but for reasons that are different than you are thinking. Here’s what I discovered.

What is the EarlyBird Drink?
First off, a little info on what the EarlyBird Morning Cocktail even is. EarlyBird is founded by a guy named Chuckie, who, as you guessed it, was struggling to wake up early. After testing different concoctions for over 400 mornings, he came up with what he thought was the perfect drink. We’ll get into the actual ingredients below.

EarlyBird, the drink, revolves around three key elements to help get you going in the morning. Those three things are Clean Energy, Hydration, and Mood Enhancement. This morning cocktail, as they call it, contains ingredients that help with all three areas to help you get a jump on the day and become the early bird.

Why is it called an early bird?

EarlyBird’s name comes from the old analogy of “The early bird gets the worm”. This analogy means that the one who gets up early gets a jump on the day compared to everyone else and therefore receives the reward for doing so.

That is really the claim of this drink, so the name is very fitting in context.

When I purchased EarlyBird, I wanted to give myself the best shot at making it work. While I was hopeful the contents of the drink would help me, I knew upfront it wasn’t going to be a magic bullet. I had to actually work for it, the drink would hopefully make it come a bit easier.

EarlyBird Morning Cocktail, in my opinion, tastes great. I was initially worried about this since I’m picky with flavours. Most protein and pre-workout drinks make me want to puke. I didn’t want myself to dread waking up each morning and drinking this.

To my surprise, I found I actually really enjoyed the flavour. I purchased the Morning Mimosa flavour and have liked it since day one. I fill my EarlyBird shaker with 8 oz of water and chug the whole drink in a few seconds.

The ingredients included in the EarlyBird Morning Cocktail are well thought out for the intended purpose of helping you get up and going in the morning.

The ingredient list has clinically backed ingredients that help with a variety of things needed for a proper start in the morning.

The one complaint is the lack of proper dosage on some ingredients. While the ingredients themselves are great, I believe this would be an even more powerful product with high dosages of some core ingredients.

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Last Update : 03 February 2025 5:51 PM
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