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Item ID 2373416 in Category: Business Opportunities - Marketing & Sales

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Update Version 2025. | A Closer Look at YoroCRM’s Exciting New Features

Public Form Analytics
Public forms allow you to collect information from external users and capture leads directly into your CRM system.

By following the steps outlined below, you will be able to customize public forms quickly and track reports and analytics efficiently.

Log in to your YoroCRM account.
Navigate to the “Administration” menu and select “YoroCRM Administration”.
Click on the “Public Form” as shown below.

On the form details page, you will find an icon called “Metrics.” Click on this icon to access the metrics related to your form.
In the “Metrics” section, you will find various data and analytics related to your public form, including:
Country wise metrics
Date wise metrics

To monitor the progress of this report, you can utilize the number of views and submissions as tracking metrics.

To easily track reports on a daily-basis, you can find the “Filter option” located in the top right corner.

Look for the “Embed Script” icon and click on it.
In the list of scripts, locate the script you want to copy.
The public/web form snippet feature in YoroCRM allows you to easily add this script to any website or webpage. By utilizing this feature, you can seamlessly integrate the script into your desired online platform.

Workflow Sequence
Split Task
To split a step in YoroCRM, you can follow these manual steps:

Locate and click on the “Campaign” module.
In the top right corner, you will find a Kebab menu (three vertical dots). Click on it.
From the dropdown menu, select “Event Automation.”
After selecting “Event Automation,” proceed to the Automation Center.

Once found the sequence menu, select the Split Task drag-and-drop interface to use it within your workflow.
To divide a step into two separate sub-steps within a workflow, you can employ the Split Task element within YoroCRM’s workflow sequence. This feature allows you to split a step into distinct parts, enabling more granular control within your workflow.

Merge Task
If you would like to consolidate or combine multiple steps into one, you can manually merge the workflow steps.

If you want to merge two different steps in a workflow, use this Merge Task drag-and-drop interface.
Identify and open the details of the first step that you want to merge.

Reports & Filters
Multiple Filters
In YoroCRM, you have the capability to apply multiple filters to refine and narrow down your search results.

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Target State: All States
Target City : All Cities
Last Update : 06 March 2025 12:26 AM
Number of Views: 12
Item  Owner  : yoroflow
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 8556259676

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