"Eve" was not the first woman! | |
Please read completely; print this out if you wish and use as a KJV Bible study guide; some may learn something they weren't actually aware of, what a concept. This needs to be repeated because of what many preach on TV and elsewhere. If you actually study the KJV bible verses mentioned below, you will see that “Eve” was not the first woman (female) on earth based on where her forming occurs in those verses. Many wrongfully believe, think and say “mother of all living” means she was the first woman on earth. Scripture says otherwise! She was formed from Adam who was not formed yet after the 6th day created peoples in Genesis 1:26-31 (males and females, which is plural). Then the 7th day of rest occurred. Please read the following verse which comes after the seventh day of rest: Genesis 2:5, No man (singular) to till the ground yet. Adam was not formed yet! Then read the following verses: Genesis 2:7, 15 and 22; Eve was then formed after and from Adam. Eve was formed in Genesis chapter 2 and male and female were created in Genesis chapter 1. God's chronology of events is clear to anyone that actually studies the word of God. Many, including so-called Christian preachers, think God made a mistake; He got mixed up about His days of creation. I certainly hope you do not believe such deception and think the same thing; you don’t want to be in their shoes. Again, some so-called preachers even choose to make up their own chronology of events; not a good idea. Woe to the pastors that lead the people astray especially because of biblical illiteracy! Everyone needs to know that God does not make mistakes and He cannot lie. See the following verses for proof: Numbers 23:19; Psalm 119:160; Psalm 145:3 and 17; Isaiah 14:24; Hebrews 6:18; 1 John 1:5. Just so you know who the father of lying is please read John 8:44 very closely. For some more clarity, Christ's lineage goes all the way back to Adam/Eve, umbilical cord to umbilical cord! Christ is one of her offspring [same genealogy] by Adam. Eve had a purpose in God's plan to bring forth a savior for all of mankind. That is why she, “Eve”, is called the mother of all living (spiritually speaking not fleshly speaking). Christ's lineage through His mother Mary is in Luke chapter 3 going all the way back to Adam. Eve was Adam's wife. Let me ask you a question: Can a woman of one ethnicity produce offspring of a completely different ethnicity, then or now? Please explain how all the people of different ethnicity came through one woman; if you believe they did (use KJV Bible scriptures to explain). What does the word “Adam” mean in the Hebrew language? Research it yourself. See Hebrew words # 120 then 119 in a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance for your answer. | |
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