His time! (Communities - Education)

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His time!

2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

(I believe a thousand years of man's time means a thousand years; a Lord's day; a millennium. All verses are written to be understood by any and all; see 2 Corinthians 11:3).

We know how long our day/year is here on Earth. One revolution of our earth equals 24 hours/1 day. One orbit around our sun equals one earth year. But, how much do we humans actually know about time, ours or His and how they relate to each other? Will time influence us the same in heaven as it does now on this earth? God is eternal. So, is there time in heaven? Were the creation days man's days or Lord's days? I choose to believe each day of creation in Genesis was equivalent to 1,000 years in man's time; each was a Lord's day. Man didn't exist till the sixth day; the earth existed prior to man's creation.

Millennium: a period of a thousand years, especially when calculated from the traditional date of the birth of Christ.

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I do not know for sure how long the days of creation were; I was not there. I can only share with you what scripture points me to. I choose to believe 2 Peter 3:8.

This is much to pray on and think about. If you want more understanding and wisdom, ask God for it. See James 1:5. In any case, keep studying your Bibles completely, cover to cover. No need to just cherry pick a verse here and there; get a more complete picture.

Transcendent: (GOD) existing apart from and not subject to the limitations of the material universe (human thought and action).

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Last Update : 20 September 2024 11:06 PM
Number of Views: 96
Item  Owner  : Tim Winston
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