Contradiction? (Communities - Education)

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Luke 14:26 (KJV) If any man come to me, and [hate] not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. (Jesus is speaking in this verse. Do you honestly believe Jesus tells us to hate our parents? Also, see Matthew 10:37 (KJV)).

I understand that many believe there are numerous contradictions in the Bible. There are numerous books and websites dedicated to listing those perceived contradictions; thus promoting distrust and unbelief based on those perceived contradictions. The above verses are just one example of many where some would think an obvious contradiction in God's word occurs. They don't go any further and conclude that the Bible is full of contradiction. Where are the perceived contradictions? In our heads. It is due to some obvious mistranslations, not studying further, and lack of understanding. [See Matthew 13:11 (KJV); Mark 4:12 (KJV); Luke 8:10 (KJV); Clearly, not all are given understanding. I wonder why]?

Most only cherry pick a verse here and there, they never get a complete picture or learn of the mistranslations; biblical illiteracy and lack of confidence in the Bible are thus rampant. I wonder who promotes these ideas? You get one guess. Study of the Bible is encouraged; study it patiently and diligently. In other words, use the study tools that will help you to better understand the Bible; such as the following: Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, Smith's Bible dictionary, and a Green's interlinear Bible, to name a few.

Let's get back to the word [hate]. Is there an obvious contradiction here or not? Or, could the word [hate] be a mistranslation from the original language word in the Greek manuscripts? The word [hate], properly translated here, actually means to [love less]. We are to love our earthly family a little less than our heavenly Father, that's all [see Matthew 10:37 again]. Once you learn the real meaning, there is no contradiction here. Check it out for yourself in a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, don't trust me. What is a concordance, you say? I recommend doing this each time you think there is a contradiction in God's word. See definition of concordance next:

Concordance: a noun meaning, agreement; concord; harmony: an alphabetical index of the principal words of a book, as of the Bible, with a reference to the passage in which each occurs. (a bible dictionary, basically).
The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, [highly recommended], is a very useful tool for studying the scriptures. It takes every single word of the King James Version Bible and lists where each word can be found in the scriptures, plus, it gives a correct definition in English of the original language word (Hebrew or Greek). It is useful for locating scripture verses that you know the words to, but don't know the book, chapter and verse. Try the online concordance at the website below:
Continue to study the whole Bible with the tools available today. Also, see Psalm 119:160 (KJV) and John 17:17 (KJV). We are commanded to study all of God’s word. See the following verses:
Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

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Last Update : 13 February 2025 12:47 AM
Number of Views: 37
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